Sunday, June 26, 2016

Peaceful Sunday…..

Sunbeams at Netley Abbey Ruins - Southampton, England:


Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


Lisa @ Texas Decor said...

Happy Sunday, Des!

Mari said...

Wishing you a very peaceful Sunday Des.....
I really enjoy your Sunday post, the images you choose always fills me with peace.....


chateau chic said...

Lovely and inspirational!
Mary Alice

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your Sunday photos. Thanks for making it a great week.

Lisa D. said...

What a lovely and serene image. Thank you for sharing, Des.

Red Rose Alley said...

This is such a beautiful picture. It's very peaceful and interesting at the same time.

Have a lovely week, Deserae.


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Someone's been keeping a secret. Great spread in the Country Home mag I picked up at the grocery store!