Monday, July 12, 2021

The servants quarters....

The servant's quarters is a small
 room located at the top of the back stairs.

There is just enough room for the 
essentials like a
 bed and chest of drawers.

We think there may
 have been a small sink in
this corner at one time.

All of the rooms in
 the house have a transom above
 the doors for air circulation.

Frames collected over the years fill 
up space above the bed.

This cute little Victorian bed was
a Facebook Market Place find.

An antique teddy bear 
has been well loved over the years..

Have a great week my friends!


Ron said...

This is the cutest room ever!!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!!

Junkchiccottage said...

I want to be your live in servant. That room is adorable. You find the best stuff on FB Marketplace. Bravo girlfriend this room is sooooo sweeeeet! xoxo

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Oh, Des, that is the sweetest room. Your home story is jumping right off the pages of a book of fairy tales. The little bed is the cutest thing and just perfect for the size of the room. The whole room is adorable and I love it all..Happy Summer..xxoJudy

Deanna said...

Darling room. You have really fixed it up cute. Neat to see what you are doing to your home.