
Monday, January 30, 2012

Little Details…..


bath b


I’m constantly in awe of the bloggers 

out there who whip

rooms together in no time at all!!!!

Me on the other hand…..I seem to move at a

snail’s pace these days.

It seems like it takes forever to find all the right accessories

to finish a room?!?!

I did find this snazzy bottle of hand

soap the other day though while

browsing at TJ Maxx.

The bottle is glass and a very generous size…..

and it looks so

pretty sitting on

one of my old ironstone platters.

Now if I could only find the perfect rug……..

Have a great week!


  1. Very pretty Des! I always buy my hand soap in Home Goods they have the prettiest bottles.

  2. I'm out the door in the morning to our TJ Maxx! No Homegoods nearby. My bathroom is going to get a complete remodel soon so I'm gathering up new little touches.

  3. I know how you feel...rooms never come together quickly enough for me. I am always searching for the perfect piece!! Love the bottle!


  4. Love it Des.

    We are slow going on J's lodge. I have an idea my next little project might take awhile, also.

  5. Wow TJ Max has great deals, that bottle looks so old! Love it


  6. Love that new soap dispenser! I love scented liquid soap that doesn't come from a grocery store. That bottle is so pretty that I would refill it when it's empty and reuse it! It goes perfectly in your home.

  7. I have that soap too, Des!! Smells delightful, doesn't it!?

  8. Oh what a pretty soap bottle and to think I was just in TJ Maxx! Have a wonderful day, Gail

  9. Gotta have pretty handsoap :) Thanks for stopping!! Laurel

  10. I feel slow as a snail too. I think it just seems like the projects for some are fast. I never start something and finish it in the same day unless my husband is helping me.



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