
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

A bucket full of clams……

Apparently I am really drawn to clam shells since I have acquired
quite a few without even realizing it.
I would pick one up here or there and before I knew it I had a collection.
I was going to put them in the little nook above the dining
room door but the little nook is too shallow.


Then the other day I remembered seeing shells in
a big metal basket when we went to the antique market several months ago.
I knew they would be perfect in my olive bucket so I went and grabbed them to try it out.
Previously I had magazines in the olive bucket and the pages would always curl
so this is a much better use for the bucket.


I love the little ruffles on the top of the shells……


The best part is it didn’t cost me any money since
 I already had the olive bucket…..
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  1. That looks great, Des. So nice that you already had those amazing shells too.

  2. Love the shells. How much did they cost???

  3. Des now you can appreciate the textural beauty of those scalloped shells and they look lovely in your olive pail. Our clams on the East coast are small and round, yours are gorgeous!

  4. I love how you filled your olive bucket with them! I don't like to put magazines on their ends either. I try to keep them flat. Love how the clam shells look with your decor.

  5. They are so pretty and add such nice texture and interest to your space. I love how you piled them up your metal bucket too! xo

  6. Love the look Des! certainly have a beautiful collection of the shells...I find them hard to find and when I do, they are rather pricey....

  7. Your shells are awesome, Deserae. And they look so pretty in your bucket.
    And I noticed your gorgeous hutch; every time I see that, I smile.

    Your post was a bit slow to load today, but getting better. :)

    Have a beautiful day, Deserae. Me and son are going to the lake to see if the rain we've been having filled it up some. Last time we looked, it was the lowest I've seen it.

  8. Des, it looks great....I love your olive bucket, I have been on the look out for one....

    Wishing you a great day~

  9. I love your clam shells! Where do you find them? We go to the gulf, but I've never seen them there.

  10. I had the same problem with magazines in a bucket. They would curl up and it really bothered me. :) I like the shells in there. So pretty with the ruffles!

  11. Love it Des! I don't have any clam shells, though now I think I may need some! Right now I keep extra flip flops and shoes at the back door in my olive bucket. Not glamorous! But it does fill a need, so that's a good thing, right?

    Have a lovely week! And I'll be linking up tomorrow:)



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