
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A re-do of a re-do…….

Remember this little stool I made over? Well, as soon as I got it done the room it was to go in took a different design direction and the fabric was no longer working. I debated what to do….I really didn’t want to change the fabric yet again but that is what I ended up doing since I couldn’t use the stool in any other rooms because of the fabric pattern.


After pulling a hundred staples out I decided this time around I would go with a neutral fabric so I would have more options on where I could use it.


I really like the new fabric…


The room is coming together at a snail’s pace but eventually I will have pics to share….hopefully soon?!?!?!

footstool 002

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Be sure to come back here on Wednesday evening to join the Share Your Style party!

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  1. Des, I love it, you did great!

  2. Love the new fabric Des!!! Have a great day!

  3. What a lovely new fabric Des...turned out beautiful....looking forward to the room reveal.....


  4. I love both, but I love the new neutral fabric best!

  5. So cute! I have a pillow from RH like that! Where is the tiny wood table from? I need something like that between my two wing chairs!

  6. I re-do a lot of my re-do's, too, Des! Because we're women and we change our mind, right? I like your 'before' and your 'after', which I would have expected! :)
    Have a blessed day!
    Lynda @ Gates of Crystal

  7. The fabric is so pretty. I like the colors in it.

  8. can't wait to see wat you've done, like the new curtains!!!!

  9. I love both, but I know the neutral will be more versatile. I really need to recover my dining room chairs. They're 25 years old and it's the original fabric.

  10. love the new fabric, but also loved it the old way too.

  11. I really like the new fabric, Des. When you work really hard on something like this or even painting a room, you it has to be able to transition if need be.



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