
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Koi pond…….and other random musings!


Now that the Koi pond is several years old things are fianlly starting to fill in around it.

We will be adding more plantings this year like ornamental grasses and roses.






I fed the fish in hopes of snapping some good pics of them while they were eating.

However they were camera shy……



rose bush

The cool spring temps and recent rain have caused this rose bush to go nuts!

It is older and never has this many blooms…..

pond May 2016 010

Everything looks so crisp and fresh after the storms that rolled thru last night.


Miss Sophie is getting to be such a big kitty  now.

She is around 9 months old and is such a sweet, sweet girl!


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Savvy Southern Style

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  1. Des, I didn't remember that you had a pond! I'm so excited to see this. I can't wait to finish ours and to get the mess all cleaned up. The waterfall is running but we still have a ways to go. Your fish are beautiful!

  2. That is just a beautiful pond, Des! How rewarding to see it looking so great! Great post, love your kitty!


  3. Well, how did I miss that you got a kitty. I used to only have cats, but after the last one died I said no more litter box.

  4. Really enjoyed the pictures of your pond, flowers and darling kitty! All are beautiful!

  5. HI! Just came over from Wow. I have a few questions: we also have a pond but have not tried koi. We have 30 some goldfish and some shebunkins. We live in SE Pa, where are you? How do the koi do in the winter? How deep is your pond? Sorry for all the questions but I would LOVE to have koi and don't know if they would tolerate our winters. Thanks! Your kitty is so sweet too!

  6. I didn't know you had a new kitty! Wow Des, she is truly stunning!! It makes me want another one:))

    Love your koi pond (didn't know you had that either!) Just beautiful. How lucky you are!


  7. Hi Des
    Sophie is so sweet. Love love the koi pond it is gorgeous. Your roses look so pretty too. Ahhh love the signs of summer.

  8. Your pond is both beautiful and relaxing. I hope you find time to enjoy it.

  9. I love your Koi pond! You are so lucky to have that in your own backyard to enjoy. I bet it's tranquil to sit and watch the fish and hear the waterfall. Your rose bush with the purple blooms is beautiful!

  10. You pond is looking gorgeous Des....I have always wanted a pond, but for now I'll just have to enjoy
    A www what a sweet kitty.....she looks a lot like my sweet guy Gizmo...

    Have a wonderful day~

  11. Look what the rain did for your roses, Deserae. They are so pretty, and full! I love how the rain cleans and makes everything fresh again. Your pond is enchanting, and the fish look at home here.


  12. Des what a beautiful sight to see those gorgeous fish and the way you have made and planted the pond. To hear the soft sound of the water flowing and watching the fish must be so relaxing. Miss Sophie is such a cute little girl and looks so contented..Happy Weekend to you..Judy

  13. Sophie is so sweet! What a pretty girl! I love that you have room for a pond on your property. What a calm, relaxing place. Your rose bush is doing so well too!


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