
Friday, December 5, 2014


Whew….what a week!
Are you as ready for the weekend as I am?
Will you be doing your Christmas shopping or are you
super organized and have it already done?

Rescued French Bulldog puppies sit by a cozy hearth on the Pier 1 Frenchy Tufted Ottoman

I love wood. Great idea for a headboard or behind a cool headboard. Ok brass bed here you go!

Farmhouse Christmas, fresh wreath, and a hot chocolate station in a French crate

Have a great weekend my friends!!!!


  1. We haven't started our Christmas shopping yet. My husband takes care of most of it since we have boys and he knows where to find stuff they want the best. We're celebrating my oldest sons birthday tonight. He will turn 21 on Monday. Tomorrow is our dogs 10th birthday, so it's a birthday celebrating weekend for us! Love those photos you posted. Great inspiration!

  2. Have a great weekend Des! I plan on shopping down Magazine Street with some holiday cheers.

  3. Oh Des, I have not even started shopping! With a recent death in the family shopping has to take a back seat.....


  4. Hi Des,
    Wooooo Hooooo I am done and even wrapped. So organized this year. Feels good. Love that first pic you showed with the fur lined stockings how stinkin cute are those. Have a great week end.

  5. Happy Friday Des...I always love your TGIF images!..Have a great weekend..will be busy decorating!...still ....

  6. You mean I have to shop too...not just decorate? Haven't started but I'm sure it'll all get done...somehow!
    Fabulous inspiration...LOVE the middle photo.
    Mary Alice

  7. Oh yes, lots and lots of shopping on tap for us this weekend. Hoping to finish up most of the Christmas shopping and maybe even get started on wrapping a few things. Hope you have a great, relaxing weekend!

  8. I'm almost done with the shopping, Deserae. Just a couple more BIG things that the girls asked for. I told them "no big things this year cause we just bought a new house" but I guess they didn't hear haha.

    Have a nice weekend.



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