
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Share Your Style #62

Hello everyone!

Welcome to the Share Your Style party!  I'm Kelly at The Essence of Home and will be your host this week.

I'm so glad that you could join us for another exciting party.  This party is displayed on all of these blogs at one time!

Last week was full of great inspiration.  Here are just a few that I thought I would re-share with you.

Gates of Crystal shared her new barn doors in her master bedroom.  What a beautiful bedroom she has.  These barn doors are the perfect finishing touch too!

She Saved shared a delicious looking vanilla pear smoothie.  This would be so tasty this summer and it looks easy to make.

Living with Thanksgiving shared her friends amazing gardens behind her house!  I was so impressed with all of the beautiful statuary among the mature trees and plantings.  It was very nice.  

Adirondack Girl at Heart shared a fun project to make for Mothers Day.  It would make a great gift!  

If you were featured, we would love for you to copy and paste this button on your blog!

Now, are you ready to party?  Please add a link back to this party on your blog post that you are sharing.  

1 comment:

  1. The Mother's Day board is delightful and the words are special. They have a collection like this at a shop in the next town, and I always want to bring something home with me. :) This is so creative and lovely.



Thanks for stopping and taking the time to leave a comment! Chat with ya soon!