
About Me

I live in Kansas with my husband of 24 years in an old schoolhouse that we have been restoring for the last eleven years. The schoolhouse was built in 1870 and is on the Kansas Historic Register. It was once the heart of the community where it served as a shcool, a community hall that hosted three different church denominations, and community dances. It was later converted into a private residence for a family with ten children. In 1985 the residence was renovated and turned into a bed & breakfast but is now a private residence. Restoring this old schoolhouse has been a true labor of love and quite an adventure!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I stumbled upon your blog and am in love with your home. WOW!! If you are ever interested in selling your beautiful armoire I would be interested. I also have 2 questions. Can you please share where you purchased your blue window treatments and the sisal rugs in your living room? Thank you!

  3. I so want to know your sources for your rugs and curtains, all of them. I have searched your blog for information but cannot find anything except the rug pad info. Can you please share. Thanks! Have a blessed weekend.

  4. Your blog is FANTASTIC.

  5. Hi Des,
    I was up way too late reading your blog.How wonderful. I am interested in purchasing prints from you. Fingers crossed.

    Thank you,


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